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Iran Sees Third ‘Honor Killing’ In A Month

Rayhaneh Ameri, 22, was recently killed in Kerman, Iran by her father for returning home late one night. In a violent rage, Rayhaneh’s father allegedly beat her with an axe, causing her to bleed out and slowly die.

According to a report from last Tuesday, when Rayhaneh’s sister and mother came home to an empty house, the two found Rayhaneh’s blood-soaked garments leading a trail to their father’s car.

After tracking the father’s phone to a nearby village, he allegedly confessed to ‘proudly’ killing his daughter and dumping her body, according to Radio Farda.

This comes three years after he first tried to reportedly kill her by severely beating her with a stick and breaking her arms and leg.

A day later, the Deputy Police Chief in Kerman, the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps Colonel Kourosh Ahmad Yousefi told the state-sponsored news agency IRNA that Rayhaneh’s father killed her with an iron bar, not an axe.

Colonel Yousefi offered a different story, reporting that while angry and struggling with his daughter, Rayhaneh’s father threw a bar at her, which he later regretted.

This is now the third “honor killing” in Iran, causing officials to do damage control for all of the criticism and backlash being received for these savage murders.

Under Islamic Republic law, fathers who kill their children are not considered murderers and cannot receive the death penalty.

However, the recent string of “honor killings” could force Iranian officials to reconsider their slap-on-the-wrist punishments for those guilty of murdering their children.

Photo: Rayhaneh Ameri, Radio Farda

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