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14-Year-Old Palestinian Boy Arrested in Jerusalem Terror Attack, One Wounded

The arrest of a 14-year-old suspected terrorist in Jerusalem. Israel Police
The arrest of a 14-year-old suspected terrorist in Jerusalem. Israel Police

A 14-year-old boy was arrested on Monday as a suspect in a terrorist attack after a man was stabbed and wounded in Jerusalem's Old City.

Israeli medics rushed to the scene and provided medical treatment to the victim, a 17-year-old male, who was stabbed near the Western Wall. He was fully conscious and in moderate condition, medics said.

Police forces arrested the 14-year-old suspect, a resident of the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Shuafat, and found a knife at the scene. Full circumstances of the case were under investigation and additional details will follow.

The region is experiencing a major resurgence of tensions as the Muslim holy month of Ramadan approaches. Last week, a terrorist rammed with his car and killed three people, including two children, in Jerusalem, while also wounding several others.

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