An all-time high number of voters say their sympathies lie with the Israelis rather than the Palestinians at 61% for Israelis compared to 13% for Palestinians, according to a new poll that comes after Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel from Gaza, killing more than 1,400 people in one day and sparking an ongoing war.
The percentage of people who say their sympathies lie more with Israelis than Palestinians is the highest it's been since Quinnipiac University Poll started asking the question in December 2001.
The poll released Tuesday also shows that 72% of voters say Hamas was responsible for the latest outbreak of violence, while 10% blame Israel, 6% say both share blame and 12% would not say.
Israel is receiving significantly more sympathy than just two years ago, when it was at an all-time low. While 41% of registered voters said in May 2021 that their sympathies lie with the Israelis, 30% said the Palestinians.
However, when broken down by age and race, sympathy decreases for Israelis and increases for Palestinians.
The latest poll showed that 41% of people ages 18-34 said their sympathies lie with Israelis while 26% said the Palestinians. Meanwhile, 36% of black Americans and 52% of Hispanic Americans said their sympathies lie with the Israelis, compared to 35% and 21%, respectively, who said their sympathies are with the Palestinians. The remaining percentage of voters said they didn't know.
This nationwide poll was conducted Oct. 12 – 16 with 1,552 registered voters and has a 2.5% margin of error.