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Ex Israeli Ambassador to U.S. Calls for Nuremberg-Style Trial for Hamas Terrorists Who Attacked Israel

“It’s unspeakable, and they should be put on trial,” Oren said.
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Former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S., Michael Oren, has called for a Nuremberg-style trial for the Hamas terrorists who carried out the Oct. 7 attacks on Israel.

"I think about the state commission and a Nuremberg-type trial, I think it is definitely called for," Oren said on the Thursday edition of the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show.

"I think American television has a rule about broadcasting the recordings of interrogations or the aftermath of interrogations, but you should know I've seen them all," he continued. "It is chilling. It is horrifying to listen to these people talk dispassionately about what they did and what they were told to do. They were ordered to do this. It's unspeakable, and they should be put on trial."

The terrorist group Hamas carried out an attack on Israel a month ago, which resulted in over 1,000 civilians dying. Israel has been at war with Hamas since then.

The U.S. has increased its presence in the Middle East since the war.

Oren said that, among other things, the Gaza Strip should be internationalized, as part of the solution.

"We have to internationalize the Gaza Strip," he said. "It's a problem. It should not be Israel's problem anymore. In fact, it's not just Israel's problem. The fact that the United States has had to send these massive naval forces to the region shows that Hamas and Gaza, it's not just an Israeli problem. Not even an Egyptian problem. It's an American problem. So we [will] have an international force that will go in there."

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