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Hamas and Islamic Jihad are Reportedly Offering Cash for TikTok Videos of Attacks on Israelis

Screen capture from unconfirmed video purportedly showing a shooting attack in the northern West Bank, September 13, 2022. Twitter
Screen capture from unconfirmed video purportedly showing a shooting attack in the northern West Bank, September 13, 2022. Twitter

Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror groups are reportedly offering cash incentives for shooting attacks on Israelis, on condition that a video of the assault is published on social media.

The two groups are offering about $200 for a shooting in an effort to encourage more attacks, in particular as Israel enters its three-week High Holiday period, which begins with Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, next week, Channel 12 news reported on Tuesday.

Videos must be published on the TikTok video sharing application in order to qualify for a payout, according to the report.

The West Bank has seen a spate of shootings in recent months, mostly targeting Israel Defense Forces soldiers.

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