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Head of Mossad Worried That Russia Could Give Advanced Weapons to Iran Regime

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will reportedly visit Russia in the coming days to discuss a possible deal on military aid with President Putin.
Mossad chief David Barnea speaks at the annual conference of the Institute for Counter-Terrorism Policy (ICT) at Reichman University in Herzliya on September 12, 2022. (Gilad Kavalerchik)
Mossad chief David Barnea speaks at the annual conference of the Institute for Counter-Terrorism Policy (ICT) at Reichman University in Herzliya. (Gilad Kavalerchik)

The director of Israel's Mossad intelligence agency expressed deep concerns on Sunday regarding Russia's potential sale of advanced weaponry to Iran. This issue has arisen as Moscow seeks alternative sources for weapons, turning to nations like Iran and North Korea due to Western sanctions hampering its domestic production capabilities.

Addressing the annual conference hosted by the Institute for Counter-Terrorism Policy (ICT) at Reichman University, Mossad chief David Barnea told the conference attendees “our fear is that the Russians will transfer to the Iranians in return what they lack, advanced weapons that will certainly endanger our peace, and maybe even our existence here.”

Of particular concern to Western security agencies is the fact that Iran has already furnished Russia with significant military assistance since the start of the February 2022 invasion of Ukraine. Included in the weapons transfers have been the Islamic regime's Shahed-136 drones, which have caused widespread destruction throughout Ukraine.

The Iranian provision of military aid to Moscow is facilitated despite repeated warnings from Western nations against exporting weaponry to Russia.

The director’s speech also highlighted the concerted efforts of Israel and its allies in thwarting many attacks against Israeli and Jewish targets throughout the world over the past year. Speaking of who he held responsible for the current terror campaign, Barnea said that they were "orchestrated, masterminded, and directed by Iran."

Barnea told the gathering that if Iranian sponsored terrorism continues, “these prices will be exacted with great precision in the depths of Iran, in the heart of Tehran.”

Related Story: Iran Regime Building Large Stockpile of Drones for Russia, Intel Officials Say

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