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In Jerusalem, Blinken and Netanyahu Vow to Keep Iran from Gaining Nuclear Weapons

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken (L) and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu make statements to the media after their meeting at the prime minister's office in Jerusalem on Monday. Photo by Debbie Hill/ UPI
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken (L) and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu make statements to the media after their meeting at the prime minister’s office in Jerusalem on Monday. Photo by Debbie Hill/ UPI

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with newly-elected Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem Monday, where the two showed a united front in keeping Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

"Our policy, and my policy, is to do everything within Israel's power to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them. And that will remain so," Netanyahu said during their official meeting.

"But obviously, the fact that we and the United States are working together is something that is important for this common goal, as well … I would say most of the international community -- have seen the true face of Iran. They've seen the barbarism of this regime against its own people. They've seen how it exports aggression beyond its border and beyond the Middle East, and I think there is a common consensus that this regime must not acquire nuclear weapons."

Blinken, who also met with Israeli President Isaac Herzog on the trip, concurred on the nuclear front.

"We agree that Iran must never be allowed to acquire a nuclear weapon, and we discussed deepening cooperation to confront and counter Iran's destabilizing activities in the region and beyond. Just as Iran has long supported terrorists that attack Israelis and others, the regime is now providing drones that Russia is using to kill innocent Ukrainian civilians," Blinken said, according to the State Department.

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