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Israeli Navy Sinks Palestinian Vessel Allegedly Smuggling ‘Equipment’ to Hamas

Two Palestinian crew members swam ashore after Israeli Navy sank their vessel.

The Israeli Navy sank a Palestinian fishing vessel allegedly smuggling "equipment" to Hamas terrorists in Gaza on Sunday.

The vessel reportedly ignored multiple hails and commands to stop from Israeli vessels. The two Palestinians aboard the boat swam ashore before it sank, according to The Times of Israel.

"Navy soldiers called via loudspeakers to the vessel, and when it did not respond to the calls, the soldiers fired in accordance with the open-fire policy," the Israel Defense Forces told the Times.

The IDF only stated the vessel was smuggling "equipment."

Footage of the incident circulating on social media shows the fishing vessel smoking as Israeli boats close in.

The incident came the same day a conflict erupted between Israeli Police and Palestinian militants on Sunday.

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