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P.A. Gives Stipend Raises to the 2002 Hebrew University Bombers

The dead included several American students.
Bodies are taken away following an explosion at the busy cafeteria in east Jerusalem's Hebrew University July 31, 2002. (credit: FLASH90)
Bodies are taken away following an explosion at the busy cafeteria in east Jerusalem’s Hebrew University July 31, 2002. (credit: FLASH90)

Palestinian Media Watch reported that for the 20th anniversary of the 2002 Hebrew University Bombing which killed nine and injured over 80 others, the perpetrators will be getting a 14% benefit increase.

Wael Qassem, Wassim Abbasi, Alla Aldin Abbasi, and Muhammed Odeh who were convicted of this terror act, will see their P.A. funded salaries increase from NIS 7,000 ($2,251) to NIS 8,000 shekels/month ($2,572). Over the past twenty years that these men have been incarcerated, the P.A. has paid them a total of more than NIS 8 million (over $2.5 million).

The payment of salaries to convicted terrorists by the Palestinian Authority, has always been a very contentious one, especially with the Israeli Government. The Israel Security Cabinet voted on Sunday to deduct NIS 600 million from the funds it collects for the P.A. to offset these payments.

This policy which is referred to as "Pay for Slay" by its detractors has often been brought up by the Israeli government in its relations with the United States, and other allied governments when discussing foreign aid for the Palestinians.

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