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Palestinian Attack Leaves One Israeli Dead in Tel Aviv, Shooter Killed

Friends and family mourn Chen Amir, a municipal patrolman who was killed in a Tel Aviv shooting attack by a Palestinian gunman, during his funeral in Kibbutz Reim, southern Israel, August 6, 2023. REUTERS
Friends and family mourn Chen Amir, a municipal patrolman who was killed in a Tel Aviv shooting attack by a Palestinian gunman, during his funeral in Kibbutz Reim, southern Israel, August 6, 2023. REUTERS

A Tel Aviv municipal patrol officer has died, Israeli officials said on Saturday, after being shot by a Palestinian on a street in central Tel Aviv.

The suspected shooter was then shot dead by another municipal patrol worker, Tel Aviv's mayor Ron Huldai told Israel's public broadcaster.

A statement from the Israeli police said the shooter was a 27 year-old resident of the Palestinian town of Jenin in the occupied West Bank. The Palestinian militant group Hamas praised the attack but did not take responsibility.

The shooting came a day after a Palestinian teen was killed in an attack by Israeli civilians on a Palestinian village in the West Bank.

Washington has expressed concern over a growing number of attacks by Jewish settlers on Palestinian villages in the West Bank, where violence has worsened since last year with increased Israeli raids amid Palestinian street attacks on Israelis.

Related Story: Gunfire Between Israelis, Palestinians with Several Casualties in West Bank

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