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Protests Spread Throughout Israel Again Over Judicial Reform Proposal

Israeli protesters hold Israeli flags and chant for democracy at a demonstration against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's judicial overhaul, outside the Supreme Court in Jerusalem, on Tuesday. Photo by Debbie Hill/UPI
Israeli protesters hold Israeli flags and chant for democracy at a demonstration against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul, outside the Supreme Court in Jerusalem, on Tuesday. Photo by Debbie Hill/UPI

The revival of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's plans to revise the country's judiciary drew thousands to the streets around the country on Tuesday.

Demonstrators clashed with police after the Knesset approved the initial reading of a bill that would limit the Supreme Court's oversight powers despite wide opposition. Protesters blocked streets from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv.

Thousands of protesters demonstrated at Ben Guion Airport later in the day. Officials reported several injuries.

The Ben Gurion Airport protest was moved from Terminal 1 to Terminal 3 to accommodate the large crowd that was expected for the demonstration. Those attending were able to arrive by train, officials said.

"Operationally, it is impossible to transfer all the people who arrived by train to the designated protest area at Terminal 1," Central District Commander Avi Biton said. "Therefore, we have created a facility here that can accommodate the protest."

Related Story: Hijacking the Narrative: Inside Israel’s Domestic Protests

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