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The U.S. ‘Will See Iran’s Offensive Might’ in the Persian Gulf – IRGC Navy Chief

IRGC forces are seen in the 17th Great Prophet drill in Iran. (credit: TASNIM NEWS AGENCY)
IRGC forces are seen in the 17th Great Prophet drill in Iran. (credit: TASNIM NEWS AGENCY)

The United States "will see Iran's offensive might" if a violent altercation occurs in the Persian Gulf, senior IRGC navy commander Ramezan Zirrahi warned on Tuesday, according to Iranian state-controlled Mehr News Agency.

Speaking from the southern port city of Bushehr, the Iranian admiral reportedly boasted that the Islamic Republic's adversaries "do not dare to cross Iran's territorial waters."

"The Persian Gulf is always monitored day and night," Zirrahi said, adding that Iran's offensive, defensive and drone power in dealing with the enemies in the Persian Gulf has increased significantly."

"America and the adversary countries in the Persian Gulf do not have the power and courage to stop the vessels of the Islamic Republic of Iran, because they know that there will be a tough attack against them," the IRGC navy chief continued.

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