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U.S. Launches Air Strikes Against Hezbollah in Iraq After Attack on Troops

Three military personnel injured during Christmas Day attack.

U.S. forces unleashed precision air strikes Sunday night against sites in Iraq used by Kataib Hezbollah after the terror group attacked American military personnel on Christmas Day, wounding three.

Defense Lloyd J. Austin III announced the air strikes, saying they were retaliation for unprovoked attacks on U.S. forces.

“Today, at President Biden's direction, U.S. military forces conducted necessary and proportionate strikes on three facilities used by Kataib Hezbollah and affiliated groups in Iraq," Austin said. "These precision strikes are a response to a series of attacks against U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria by Iranian-sponsored militias, including an attack by Iran-affiliated Kataib Hezbollah and affiliated groups on Erbil Air Base earlier today, and intended to disrupt and degrade capabilities of the Iran-aligned militia groups directly responsible."

"Today’s attack led to three injuries to U.S. personnel, leaving one service member in critical condition," Austin added. "My prayers are with the brave Americans who were injured."

Related Story: U.S. Troops Fend Off Drone Attack in Iraq: CENTCOM

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