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Islamic Republic College Offers Free Tuition for U.S. Students Expelled Because of Pro-Hamas Protests

A pro-Hamas encampment on the UCLA campus. Reuters
A pro-Hamas encampment on the UCLA campus. Reuters

The president of Shiraz University in Iran offered free tuition for any of the American pro-Hamas students causing disruption on college campuses if their actions resulted in expulsion.

“Students and even professors who have been expelled or threatened with expulsion can continue their studies at Shiraz University, and I think that other universities in Shiraz, as well as Fars Province, are also prepared,” Mohammad Moazzeni, the school’s leader, told the state-owned Press TV.

Moazzeni’s offer comes as The Associated Press reported on Thursday that more than 2,000 individuals have been arrested at various locations throughout the U.S. in recent demonstrations against Israel’s military operations in Gaza.

Several other universities in the country have reportedly joined the endeavor. Shahid Beheshti University’s president, Mahmoud Aghamiri, said that his institution has “considered scholarships for these students and will fully pay for their education, dormitory, and stay.”

Notable violent incidents in the U.S. have occurred at Brown University, Columbia University, California State Polytechnic University, Emerson College, Emory University, George Washington University, New York University, the University of North Carolina, Portland State University, Yale University, and the University of California at Los Angeles.

Live images of Thursday’s confrontations between police and anti-Israel agitators at UCLA, where at least 200 arrests were made, were broadcasted by regime-controlled media outlets throughout Iran.

Related Story: Lawmakers Call for Accountability Over Pro-Hamas Campus Violence

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