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Palestinians in Gaza Protest Against Hamas

Palestinian crowds struggle to buy bread from a bakery in Rafah, Gaza Strip, February 18, 2024. (AP Photo/Fatima Shbair)
Palestinian crowds struggle to buy bread from a bakery in Rafah, Gaza Strip, February 18, 2024. (AP Photo/Fatima Shbair)

Newly released reports on Wednesday unveiled footage depicting residents from Jabaliya in the northern Gaza Strip and Rafah in the South taking to the streets during the night to demonstrate against Hamas leaders amidst the ongoing conflict with Israel.

In videos shared on Palestinian social media platforms, locals can be seen criticizing Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas in Gaza, as well as Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the organization's political bureau, who resides luxuriously in Qatar. The video showed protesters shouting for humanitarian aid and said: "We need food, we need flour, Sinwar, and Haniyeh, stay away from us, you thieves."

Residents also yelled against Osama Hamdan, a former senior representative of Hamas in Lebanon and a member of the organization's politburo.

"Hamdan, leave Lebanon; the people are the victims. With spirit and blood, we will redeem you, Gaza," residents said.

Following the Oct. 7 massacre by Hamas against srael, the terrorist organization has resorted to using hospitals, schools, and homes to attack Israeli soldiers and launch rockets into Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Since starting its ground incursion into Gaza, Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have documented Hamas’s terrorist infrastructure, military cache, and use of civilian areas to commit terrorist actions against Israelis and Arabs.

Despite the heavy military campaign, Hamas officials vowed to continue their guerilla warfare attacks against Israel, receiving financial and military support from the Islamic Republic of Iran and its terrorist proxies in Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria.

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