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Qatari Official Who Called for Israel’s Destruction Attended State Department Conference: Report

Majed al-Ansari (L) with the State Department's Bill Russo (R). Qatar News Agency
Majed al-Ansari (L) with the State Department’s Bill Russo (R). Qatar News Agency

The U.S. State Department hosted an event with a representative from Qatar’s government who has praised the actions of the Hamas terrorist organization and called for the destruction of Israel, according to The Washington Free Beacon.

The Free Beacon cited a recent report from the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), noting the attendance of the spokesperson for the Qatari foreign ministry, Majed Al-Ansari, at the sixth annual U.S.-Qatar Strategic Dialogue in March. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the Prime Minister of Qatar, Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani also attended the one-day conference.

The report took issue with comments that Al-Ansari made when he worked as a columnist for the privately owned, pro-government Al-Sharq newspaper.

During his tenure at the popular daily, the diplomat would frequently display support for Israel’s enemies and their terror attacks against its civilian population.

In 2021, Al-Ansari was reported to have referred to the Jewish state as "the Zionist enemy" in an opinion column where he also cautioned his readers to be patient with the efforts of regional terror groups, because “historical victories are not realized suddenly.”

Al-Ansari then concluded the article by asking Allah that “we live to see the era of this victory and receive part of the reward for the liberation of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and all the blessed land," after calling a recent round of Hamas rocket attacks a "victory."

The State Department refused comment when The Free Beacon asked whether there were any concerns raised about Al-Ansari’s participation.

A joint statement at the symposium’s conclusion stated that Blinken “expressed his deep appreciation for Qatar’s continued leadership in the region, including important mediation efforts to facilitate humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza and secure the release of hostages, including U.S. citizens, held by Hamas.”

Qatar has come under increasing scrutiny after the October 7 massacre in southern Israel for allowing Hamas to maintain its political headquarters in Doha, and their senior leadership to have refuge in the country. Despite the support given to terrorists, the Biden administration designated the Persian Gulf nation a “Major Non-NATO Ally” in 2022.

Related Story: As it Harbored Hamas, Qatar Spent $1 Billion-Plus Trying to Influence U.S. Education, Politics

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