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5 Ways the U.S. Military Has Become ‘Woke’

The cover of Sen. Rubio and Rep. Roy's report features an image tweeted in June by the U.S. Marine Corps to support LGBTQ+ troops. U.S. MARINE CORPS VIA SEN. MARCO RUBIO
The cover of Sen. Rubio and Rep. Roy’s report features an image tweeted in June by the U.S. Marine Corps to support LGBTQ+ troops. U.S. MARINE CORPS VIA SEN. MARCO RUBIO

1. Teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT)

Following the 2020 riots in the United States and subsequent years of left-wing indoctrination in America's education system, institutions like the Air Force Academy and the Military Academy at West Point have offered curricula on "gender inclusivity" and Critical Race Theory (CRT) with lectures on "White Power at West Point," "Understanding Whiteness and White Rage," and many other woke-ideological topics. Thanks to leaks from young service members in the military and air force, the American public and lawmakers have seen the extent to which CRT has affected the armed forces and overall performance. In June 2021, U.S. General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, defended the decision to U.S. congressmen by the U.S. Military Academy at West Point to offer instruction on CRT and the importance of understanding "White Rage." Other prominent military officials like Admiral Michael Gilday, Chief of Naval Operations, have added Ibram X. Kendi's book, How to Be an Antiracist, one of the leading books on CRT, to the list of recommended reading for service members. Experts familiar with the U.S. military and recruitment note that because of the introduction of CRT into the U.S. military, many Americans who hail from military families have been hesitant to sign up, given that the curriculum undermines American values, becoming another politicized federal agency.

2. LGBTQI Issues

Alongside the CRT indoctrination, the U.S. military has an extensive LGBTQI curricula, with institutions like the U.S. Air Force Academy promoting a seminar on “transgender visibility" in September of last year and in 2021 created instructions on cadets to avoid "gendered language," including not using words like "mom" or "dad." In late 2022, the U.S. Marine Corps received a long congressionally mandated study, which called for removing words like "sir" and "ma'am" for male and female drill instructors. Going back to 2008, the U.S. Air Force has created several "Barrier Analysis Working Groups'' to create "an inclusive culture regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, orientation, religion, or disabilities," including "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, or Questioning Initiatives Team." Branches of the armed forces have also helped service members evade Republican state-led laws that protect women from men who identify as females by guiding LGBTQ+ service members to obtain assistance at military medical facilities and free legal advice to work around local laws. In addition to hosting LGBTQI events in the armed forces, the Rainbow Pride flags have been worn by American troops and mounted on military equipment next to the American flag, which was never common practice.

3. DEI Standards

In late September, Biden administration officials at the Department of Defense introduced a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) advisory committee with left-wing civilian academics and former military personnel to provide "recommendations on matters and policies relating to the improvement of racial/ethnic diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity within the Department with a primary focus on military personnel." Reports indicate that one-third of Defense Department school libraries contain children's books from the DOD's chief of equity, diversity, and inclusion, Kelisa Wing, on topics like "racial justice," "defund the police," and other left-wing ideology. In Congress, Republican lawmakers have called on the Biden administration and officials at the DOD to explain the decision to allow such books and hire individuals bent on politicizing and indoctrinating service members. Officials note that in 2021, President Biden signed an executive order that required all military branches, along with the federal government, to create DEI offices to advance "equity for all," which experts say is meant to achieve desired outcomes using discriminatory policies against others. Members of the DEI offices are appointed by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who has defended the administration's actions arguing that they will improve racial/ethnic diversity, inclusion, and other equal opportunities in the military.

4. Blurring Male and Female Roles

In 2015, the DOD allowed all combat jobs in the U.S. military to women, with then Obama-appointed Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter promising "gender-neutral standards" to grant female service members the ability to meet qualifications for combat. From 2015, women have not scored as high as men in the U.S. military, prompting activist groups to pressure the armed forces to get rid of the test to determine whether any soldier can meet fitness requirements for combat. In August, the Space Force decided to do away with the traditional yearly physical fitness tests for all recruits for fitness trackers that monitor overall wellness. Following reports of women set to be in the military draft, congressional lawmakers on both sides filed a compromise legislation that prevented such a measure, with lawmakers saying that it imposed a woke ideology on the armed forces rather than meeting the current needs of the military. After announcing new roles for pregnant women in combat last year, lawmakers and political pundits were ridiculed by military officials for airing their concerns that such combatants might pose a risk to the military and themselves.

5. Climate Change Prioritization

In 2022, top Biden-appointed officials in the Army, Navy, and Air Force revealed new plans to mitigate their contribution to climate change and adapt to extreme or unexpected weather conditions. The new measures unveiled by the U.S. Army in October sought to phase out old technologies, use electronic reconnaissance vehicles, and push for 100% carbon-pollution-free electricity on all military facilities by 2023 to 2027. However, military experts note that such efforts are wasteful and impossible, given that much of the green-energy technology that officials are trying to phase in cannot work for military combat. Instead of focusing on training, physical readiness, and upgrading current military technology, lawmakers and experts say that thousands of dollars are wasted on left-wing climate ideology, politicizing the armed forces, and leaving America's army inoperable. With the Biden administration taking an anti-oil stance and catering to climate activists, military officials have been ordered to adhere to the green-energy standards.

Related Story: Republicans Vow to Cut Wokeness from Defense Budget

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