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Egypt Joins South Africa’s ‘Genocide’ Case Against Israel

Egypt's Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry. AFP
Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry. AFP

The Egyptian government announced that they will join the South African-led effort to ask the International Court of Justice to determine that Israel is guilty of failing “to prevent genocide” against Gaza’s civilian population as it continues its fight against the Hamas terrorist organization.

"The announcement of the intervention in this case comes in light of the expansion in scope and scale of Israeli violations against civilians in Gaza," the country’s foreign ministry said in a statement.

The action follows the May 1 decision by Turkey to join 62 other nations in the arrangement.

Israel has described Pretoria’s actions at the ICJ as “South Africa’s absurd blood libel” and maintains that its military personnel conduct their maneuvers according to international law.

In addition to applying a strict code of humanitarian oversight to its soldiers, the Israelis have placed no limitation on the amount of civilian aid that is allowed in the warzone. This policy was demonstrated on Sunday when an additional border crossing was opened in the Zikim area to facilitate food and medical deliveries to the coastal enclave.

Also on Sunday, an official in Cairo told the Associated Press that Egypt has warned Jerusalem and Washington that their peace treaty with the Jewish state is in jeopardy if a ceasefire does not come soon.

Related Story: Turkey Joins the South African ‘Genocide’ Case Against Israel

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