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Hezbollah Continues Missile Attacks on Northern Israel with No End in Sight

IDF officers are seen during a drill simulating a ground offensive in Lebanon. IDF
IDF officers are seen during a drill simulating a ground offensive in Lebanon. IDF

Israeli military officials confirmed that Hezbollah terrorists launched a barrage of 25 Katyusha rockets at the northern Israeli municipality of Kiryat Shmona on Monday, in what continues an almost daily occurrence of attacks from the Iran-backed proxy group.

The incident was reportedly in response to a recent IDF drone strike that killed a terror operative in southern Lebanon.

Earlier in the day, another bombardment consisting of 35 of the Soviet-era projectiles targeted an area near the community of Safsufa, and an anti-tank guided missile struck an unoccupied home in Metula.

As a result of the regular hostilities, the Jewish state has been forced to relocate thousands of local residents to areas outside of the fire zone.

Also on Monday, the IDF announced that Israel’s 146th Division carried out exercises in the region that simulated an invasion of Lebanon.

The ground maneuvers may have been in response to threats by Jerusalem to secure the areas where Hezbollah operates.

Related Story: Hezbollah Launches 30 Rockets as Northern Israel Remains Under Attack

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