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Houthis Launch New Solid-Fuel Rocket at Eilat Amid Suspicion It Was Provided by Tehran

The Houthi's new "Palestine" missile. AP
The Houthi’s new “Palestine” missile. AP

On Wednesday, Yemen’s Houthi rebels released a video displaying the deployment of a new solid-fuel rocket named the “Palestine.”

The missile was decorated with markings resembling the checkered scarf that is often associated with the Fatah political party as it was fired towards the Israeli city of Eilat on Monday morning.

Military officials in Israel confirmed the incident and stated that the projectile was neutralized over the Red Sea by an Arrow missile.

The Tehran-backed terror group described the weapon as “locally made,” despite experts noting that it looked very similar to several known examples in the Islamic Republic’s arsenal.

The Houthis are not known to possess the technology or infrastructure to manufacture such ordnance, and it has been widely reported that the Iran regime is a major arms supplier to their Yemen-based allies.

Some Western observers have expressed concern that since the missile has solid-fuel propulsion and appears to be on a mobile launcher, it can be prepared to fire at a faster speed than what was previously done in the Houthi’s eight-month-long campaign to attack the region's commercial shipping operators.

Related Story: U.S. and U.K. Resume Strikes on Houthis as Terror Group Steps Up Shipping Attacks

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