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Report: U.K. to Prohibit Local Governments from Boycotting Israel

Michael Gove is the U.K. minister in charge of local governments.
Michael Gove. Reuters
Michael Gove. Reuters

According to a report from London's The Telegraph, the British Parliament is set to introduce a bill on Monday that aims to prevent local councils from boycotting Israeli goods. The legislation, to be presented by Conservative Party cabinet secretary Michael Gove, will impose fines on those who violate the proposed law.

Gove told The Telegraph that the bill is designed to counter the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, citing concerns about the movement's association with antisemitic rhetoric. He further emphasized the need for a consistent policy approach established by the U.K. government, stating that public bodies should not expend taxpayers' time and money on pursuing their own foreign policy agendas.

The Conservative Party, pledged to support legislation of this nature in its 2019 election campaign platform.

The former Labour Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, supported boycotts against Israeli towns in the West Bank. Corbyn faced criticism and was eventually removed from his position over repeated accusations of antisemitism.

Related Story: U.K. Labour Party Lawmaker: Jews Don’t Experience Racism

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