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Sirens Sound South of Tel Aviv as Hezbollah Continues Rocket Barrages

Damage in Israel's North following a Hezbollah rocket barrage. MDA SPOKESPERSON
Damage in Israel’s North following a Hezbollah rocket barrage. MDA SPOKESPERSON

Munitions fired by the Hezbollah militia continued to bombard Israel on Monday, triggering warning alarms and forcing citizens to seek shelter in the northern and central areas of the Jewish state.

As Israeli military forces maintained their operations against the Islamic Republic's allies in southern Lebanon, numerous rocket attacks were reported throughout the day. The strikes targeted areas around Baqa al-Gharbiyye, Haifa, Holon, Karmiel, Netanya, Pardes Hanna, Rishon Lezion, and Tel Aviv while reportedly activating air raid sirens in 180 localities, extending as far south as Ness Ziona.

In one later incident, air traffic was suspended at Ben Gurion International Airport in response to the missile activity.

According to Israel’s Magen David Adom emergency service, only a few minor injuries resulted from the day’s incidents.

Also on Monday, the IDF announced that since the onset of the October 2023 war in Gaza, Hezbollah has fired 23,000 projectiles and 1,200 drones at Israel.

Related Story: 4 Killed More Than 60 Injured After Hezbollah Drone Hits Israeli Military Base

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