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Suspected Arson Attack Burns Near Jerusalem Hospital and Military Facility

Chaim Goldberg/Flash90
Chaim Goldberg/Flash90

Firefighters in Israel battled a suspected arson-related inferno that broke out in several locations near a hospital and a military base on Mount Scopus in Jerusalem on Tuesday night.

According to emergency service officials, the incident occurred at approximately 10 p.m. near the Hadassah Medical Center and the Ofarit Army Base.

In a statement obtained by The Times of Israel, authorities disclosed that the blaze started “on the southern slopes of the village of Issawiya, apparently due to the throwing of Molotov cocktails.”

Earlier this month, Israel’s Walla news outlet reported that a similar effort was attempted by unknown individuals from the same Arab locality.

There were no reports of the flames causing injuries or property damage.

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