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U.S. Army Officer Resigns in Protest of Gaza War

Maj. Harrison Mann. linkedin.com
Maj. Harrison Mann. linkedin.com

A U.S. Army officer assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency has resigned his commission over the Biden administration’s relations towards Israel as they fight Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

Declaring that he could not “justify staying silent any longer,” Maj. Harrison Mann released a separation letter on his LinkedIn profile on Monday.

The 13-year veteran stated that what “has never been far from my mind for the past six months is the nearly unqualified support for the government of Israel, which has enabled and empowered the killing and starvation of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians.”

Mann suggested that his Ashkenazi ancestry played a role in the decision.

The Middle East analyst joins several other Washington officials who have vacated their employment over what they saw as overly pro-Israel policies from the White House. He is reportedly the first military officer to abdicate his position regarding the seven-month conflict.

The departure comes amid Jerusalem’s continued insistence that their operating decisions are compliant with international law and yesterday’s admission by the United Nations that there have been half as many civilian deaths as previously reported in the coastal enclave.

Related Story: Another State Department Official Resigns in Protest Over U.S. Gaza Policy

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