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U.S. to Send Ukraine New Aid Package Amid Zelensky’s White House Visit This Week

Ukrainian service members unpack Javelin antitank missiles from the United States. Reuters
Ukrainian service members unpack Javelin antitank missiles from the United States. Reuters

Ukraine will receive a new $375 million aid package to help the country’s armed forces in their current war with Russia, The Associated Press reported on Tuesday.

Pentagon officials told the news outlet that the consignment, expected to be announced Wednesday, includes aircraft deployed medium-range cluster bombs, bridging systems, Javelin anti-tank missiles, replacement munitions for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, and various tactical vehicles.

The latest tranche of taxpayer funded materials will reportedly transfer from existing U.S. military supplies for quicker delivery.

The disclosure comes as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited a Pennsylvania ammunition factory on Sunday to thank the workers who are producing 155mm artillery shells for his army.

On Thursday, Zelensky is scheduled to meet with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris at the White House, where he will likely ask for permission to use his longer-range weapons to attack deeper into Russian territory.

Since Moscow ordered the invasion of the Eastern European country in February 2022, the U.S. has provided at least $56 billion in security assistance to the government in Kiev.

Related Story: Pentagon Says $62 Million in Ukraine Weapons Aid Was ‘Lost or Destroyed’: But it Doesn’t Know Which

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