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White House May Allow U.S. Military Contractors to Work in Ukraine: Report

U.S. armored Humvees for the Ukrainian Army arrive in Kiev. AP
U.S. armored Humvees for the Ukrainian Army arrive in Kiev. AP

The Biden administration may soon allow U.S. military contractors to work within Ukraine’s borders, four sources told CNN on Tuesday.

If the policy is implemented, the Defense Department would be authorized to dispatch civilian employees to the warzone for the first time since the Russian invasion in February 2022.

Officials told the news outlet that the measure would enable maintenance personnel to service and repair U.S.-supplied battlefield equipment onsite rather than require the time-consuming transfer of the implements to neighboring countries.

White House officials reportedly decided to reconsider the restrictions because of recent tactical gains by the Russians in the eastern part of the country and growing opposition in Congress to the continued financial support of the government in Kiev.

One of the individuals that CNN spoke to confirmed that despite the change in practice, President Biden is “absolutely firm that he will not be sending U.S. troops to Ukraine.”

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