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Biden Least Popular President in Modern History at This Point in Office: Polls

With an average disapproval rating of 55.8%, Biden is more unpopular than any other modern commander-in-chief at this point in their presidency.
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President Joe Biden is the least popular modern U.S. president in history at this point in their presidency, according to new polling data.

With an average disapproval rating of 55.8% and an approval rating of 37.7%, according to poll website FiveThirtyEight on Saturday, Biden is more unpopular than any other modern commander-in-chief 1,054 days into their presidency.

His approval rating may be even lower, as a TIPP Insights survey earlier this month showed his approval rating at 33%, an all-time low for Biden at the polling firm. That poll of 1,464 adults was conducted Nov. 29–Dec. 1 and had a 2.6% margin of error.

Meanwhile, more people disapprove of Biden at this point in his presidency than all other modern presidents dating back to Harry S. Truman, per FiveThirtyEight.

His low approval ratings may be due to his handling of the economy, according to TIPP, which found that it is the top issue for Americans. Less than a quarter of Americans, 24%, approve of Biden's handling of the economy. That is largely supported by Democrats, 47% of whom approve of his handling, while 81% of Republicans and 63% of Democrats rate Biden's response to the economy as poor or failing.

Americans say he is doing even worse with handling immigration, as just 18% say they approve of his response to the issue, while 56% say his response is poor or failing. Similarly, 54% of people polled by TIPP say they are unhappy with Biden's handling of crime, while just 19% approve of his response to the issue.

The low poll numbers come as Biden runs for reelection in 2024, with former President Donald Trump as his likely opponent.

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