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New Fires Erupt After More Hezbollah Rocket and Drone Attacks

Israeli firefighters battle flames in a field in the Banias area of the Golan Heights sparked by rockets launched from southern Lebanon on June 9, 2024. AFP
Israeli firefighters battle flames in a field in the Banias area of the Golan Heights sparked by rockets launched from southern Lebanon on June 9, 2024. AFP

Multiple rocket and drone attacks struck northern Israel on Sunday as the Hezbollah terrorist organization continues to relentlessly attack the area in their eight-month-long campaign against the Jewish state.

Israeli defense officials announced that several bombardments of Katyusha rockets and attack drones from southern Lebanon ignited wildfires in the Golan Heights by mid-day on Sunday.

Air raid sirens were reported in Avivim, Kibbutz Malkia, Kibbutz Misgav Am, and Kibbutz Yir’on.

The incursions were likely in retaliation for IDF air strikes and artillery operations against Hezbollah infrastructure in Aitaroun, Hula, Kafr Kila, Khiam, and Rab al-Thalathine the previous day.

Also on Saturday, Israel reported the first use of the Falaq-2 rocket by the Tehran-backed militants. The missile carries a 132-pound warhead, which is much more powerful than the typical 13-pound payload found on the commonly deployed Katyushas.

Reuters reported this weekend that U.S. President Joe Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron discussed the current security situation in the region, as Israel’s war cabinet has in recent days discussed the possibility of a ground offensive to stop Hezbollah’s terror campaign.

Related Story: Jerusalem Rattles the Sabers: Israel’s Northern Command Chief Says Units are Ready for Ground War Against Hezbollah

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