An amendment to a reconciliation bill introduced by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) includes provisions that would federally define pregnancy as a condition unique to biological females.
"The only people capable of being pregnant are biological females, and therefore, I think federal pregnancy programs should be limited to biological females, and that's what this would do," Rubio said when introducing his amendment.
"A few minutes ago, I looked back across 5,500 years of human history, and so far, every single human pregnancy has been biological female," Rubio continued. "And therefore, the only thing I'm trying to do is make sure that federal law is clear, since every pregnancy that's ever existed has been in a biological female, and that our federal laws reflect that pregnancy programs are available to the only people who are capable of getting pregnant: biological females."
All 50 Senate Republicans voted in favor of this amendment while none of the Democratic Senators did.