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U.S. Casualties Reported After Katyusha Attack at Iraq Military Base: Report

There are approximately 2,500 U.S. military personnel in Iraq.
al-Asad Airbase. AFP
al-Asad Airbase. AFP

U.S. officials told Reuters on Monday that at least five American personnel were injured in a terrorist attack at a military base in Iraq.

The news agency reported that two Katyusha rockets, a popular armament with Tehran-backed militias, were fired at al-Asad Airbase in the western part of the country. Sources confirmed that one of the injuries was listed as serious, as both projectiles were said to have landed in the facility’s perimeter.

The garrison has reportedly been involved in two similar incidents in the past three weeks.

The strike comes as regional tensions have been mounting over plans by the Islamic Republic to retaliate for last week’s assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh while he was a guest of state in the Iranian capital city.

The reprisal threats, initiated by the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, were made with the indication that they would be done with assistance from the theocracy’s allied militant groups, several of which are in Iraq.

Related Story: Government in Baghdad Wants U.S. Forces Out of Iraq by 2025: Report

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