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U.K. Police Chief Suggests Arresting Elon Musk for Highlighting British Riots

The chief stands accused of handling immigrant Muslim criminals with “kid gloves” while cracking down on native Britons.

U.K. police chief Mark Rowley suggested he is willing to arrest U.S. citizen Elon Musk because Musk highlighted extreme violence and riots by Muslim gangs in England.

The British Met Police Commissioner pledged that "whether you're in this country committing crimes on the streets or committing crimes from further afield online, we will come after you," The Daily Wire reported.

Rowley made his controversial comments during U.K. protests and riots "in response to the killing of three young girls during a mass-stabbing attack that left several more injured."

When asked about "high profile figures" like Elon Musk who were allegedly "whipping up the hatred," Rowley responded that "being a keyboard warrior does not make you safe from the law."

"You can be guilty of offenses of, of incitement, of stirring up racial hatred," Rowley said.

Another reporter confronted Rowley in the street over an alleged two-tiered system of justice in the U.K. where "police were seemingly only holding right-wing protesters accountable for their actions and not the Islamic extremists."

Rowley grabbed the reporter's microphone and threw it to the ground.

Ex-Muslim and now-Christian Ayaan Hirsi Ali criticized the government for inciting the Muslim community with its rhetoric while failing to call out Muslim gangs.

Ali singled out the U.K.'s new prime minister, Kier Starmer, over the alleged two-tiered system of justice.

"The moniker 'Two-Tier Keir' has latched itself onto the man who has only been Prime Minister for a month," Ali said.

Related Story: London Mayor Places City on High Alert After Far-Right Protests Break Out Across U.K.

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