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Canada Freedom Convoy: Nearly 200 Arrested as Ottawa Police Push New Charges for Protesters

Ottawa police say 191 arrests made, 57 vehicles towed so far
Police officers walk pass the Parliament buildings in Ottawa on Sunday, Feb. 20, 2022. (Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press via AP)
Police officers walk pass the Parliament buildings in Ottawa on Sunday, Feb. 20, 2022. (Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press via AP)

Ottawa, Canada, police announced Sunday morning that so far 191 arrests have been made, warning that a law enforcement operation was continuing downtown to clear out trucks and anti-vaccine mandate demonstrators who have been protesting in the area for weeks. 

So far, 57 vehicles have been towed and Kent Street and Bay Street were mostly cleared of vehicles Sunday morning, police added. Charges were also announced earlier Sunday against one protester. 

Ottawa Police Service said Tyson George Billings, 44, of High Prairie, Alberta, was arrested Saturday. He was formally charged by the criminal investigations section Sunday with mischief, counseling to commit the offense of mischief, counseling to commit the offense of disobeying a court order, obstructing police and counseling to commit the offense of obstructing police. He was scheduled to appear in court later Sunday. 

The department has spent the morning warning anyone inside a so-called secured area without proof of exclusion would be arrested and that police would be removing all vehicles parked on certain streets. 

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