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Freedom Convoy Raises $2M on GiveSendGo After GoFundMe Removes Campaign

In a fresh campaign, under the name Freedom Convoy 2022, organizers said it was raising the funds for truckers protesting against vaccine mandates in Canada.
Freedom Convoy Raises $2M on GiveSendGo After GoFundMe Removes Campaign
Truckers lineup their trucks on Albert Street as they honk their horns on February 5, 2022 in Ottawa, Canada. Truckers continue their rally over the weekend near Parliament Hill in hopes of pressuring the government to roll back COVID-19 public health regulations and mandates. GiveSendGo has allowed a new campaign for the truckers to go ahead on its platform. MINAS PANAGIOTAKIS / STRINGER/GETTY

Anew fundraising appeal for Canadian truckers protesting vaccine mandates has already raised millions of dollars after GoFundMe halted the campaign on its website.

A new appeal for the Canadian Freedom Convoy has raised more than $2.1 million out of a $16,000 target on platform GiveSendGo after GoFundMe halted the campaign after police raised concerns of violence. This include one anonymous donor giving the truckers $215,000 on the now platform.

The original GoFundMe appeal had raised an estimated $9 million before website managers said it would withhold money donated to support the truckers.

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