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French Lawmaker Condemns Israeli Participation in Upcoming Olympic Games


A French lawmaker drew criticism from Jewish organizations and senior government officials after he announced that Israeli athletes participating in this week’s Summer Olympics should not be allowed to partake in any events because of the ongoing war in Gaza.

La France Insoumise parliamentarian, Thomas Portes, condemned the Jewish state’s presence at the quadrennial event during a Saturday pro-Hamas rally where he reportedly told a cheering crowd that “the Israeli delegation is not welcome in Paris” and “Israeli athletes are not welcome at the Olympic Games in Paris.”

The comments drew immediate criticism from the President of the Representative Council of French Jewish Institutions, Yonathan Arfi, who called the remarks “irresponsible” and accused the 38-year-old socialist of putting a “target on the backs of Israeli athletes, already the most threatened in the Olympic Games.”

French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin joined the disapproval, telling France 2 that the “hints of antisemitism in his remarks are obvious,” while assuring the audience that his organization will be providing Israel’s Olympic Team with constant police protection while they are in the country.

France’s Foreign Minister, Stephane Sejourne, echoed Darmanin’s sentiments during a European Union meeting in Brussels, declaring, "I want to say, on behalf of France, to the Israeli delegation, we welcome you to France for these Olympic Games."

Portes later told the Paris newspaper Le Parisien that “France’s diplomats should pressure the International Olympic Committee to bar the Israeli flag and anthem, as is done for Russia.”

Related Story: Israeli Olympic Athletes Receive Threats to ‘Repeat Munich 1972’

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