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Israel Security Services Find Stolen License Plates and IDF Uniforms in West Bank Terror Hideout


Israeli security forces conducted a counterterrorism operation late Sunday in the West Bank, apprehending 64 individuals, as reported by i24 News.

According to the report, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), in collaboration with the Shin Bet security agency and the Israel Border Police, not only apprehended terror suspects but also seized military equipment, bulletproof vests, IDF uniforms, and Israeli license plates.

A joint statement from the participating agencies to the news channel did not specify the intended terrorist activities associated with the confiscated materials.

The total number of Palestinian terror suspects detained since Hamas's Oct. 7 invasion of southern Israel has reached 800, with more than 500 of them having affiliations with Hamas.

Of the 64 persons arrested in this weekend's operations, reportedly 37 were suspected Hamas members.

Related Story: Hamas Had Plans to Use Chemical Weapons: Cyanide Device Instructions Found on Hamas Invader: Report

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