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Israeli MMA Fighter Deported from Ukraine After Alleged Assassination Attempt

Haim Gozali
Haim Gozali

Israeli MMA fighter Haim Gozali survived an alleged assassination attempt while attending a competition in Ukraine last week, Israel’s N12 reported on Sunday.

The 51-year-old released footage of himself, his coach, and his son taking refuge on the roof of a hotel shortly after their arrival in an attempt to evade the would-be killers.


The four-minute cell phone video also shows a ransacked hotel room with a folding knife on the floor.

Following the altercation, Golazi accused the local police of trying “to silence the incident” and stated that he and his entourage were immediately deported from the country.

Golazi has claimed that he is often a victim of antisemitic online abuse from rival competitors and suggested that some of these individuals may have been responsible for the action because “they’d know when I'm participating in the same competition as them.”

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