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ISIS-linked jihadis publish ‘hit list’ targeting US State Dept. personnel

ISIS-linked militants published an online ‘hit list’ targeting State Dept. employees and listing their personal information Monday, as seen by The Foreign Desk. The group, United Cyber Caliphate, a self-proclaimed “hacking” group linked with the Islamic State, posted on their Telegram account a list of 43 government employees' sensitive information, including home addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. The list includes individuals from the State Dept. and Homeland Security, as well as the departments of energy, commerce, health and defense. The document is entitled “wanted to be killed” and reads: “USA You are our primary goal. Your system failed to Tackling [sic] our attacks. Now we will Crush you again.” Over the last few weeks, three ISIS-linked groups have merged together to compound their cyber and hacking abilities, forming the Caliphate Cyber Army (CCA), which has been taking on hacking groups like Anonymous and specializes in combating online threats to the Islamic State. The group publicized the merger with an announcement in both English and Arabic: "After relying on Almighty Allah and by his grace, incorporation between Islamic State Hackers Teams to expand in our operations, to hit'em deeper. We announce our new team United Cyber Caliphate." Previously, the CCA put out another "kill list" of 36 police officers in Minnesota. They also had a miserable fail in attempting to hack Google, but instead went after an Indian business website called Add Google Online, a search engine optimization, (SEO) company for small to medium sized businesses.
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