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Iran to Premiere New Movie About Soleimani’s Final Hours

Qasem Soleimani was a hero to Iran, and his death was considered a martyrdom.
Iran to premiere new movie about Soleimani’s final hours
Wax statue of former IRGC Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani in Tehran (photo credit: MEHDI MARIZAD/FARS NEWS AGENCY)

The Jerusalem Post

A new film called 72 hours is being shown in Iran on the eve of the anniversary of Qasem Soleimani’s death. Soleimani was the head of the Quds Force of the Iranian IRGC. He was a key military figure for Iran and also a figure in Iran’s strategic role in the region. He held talks with Russia and groups such as Hezbollah to coordinate actions with Iran over the last decade. The new movie will now detail his importance.  

The US killed Soleimani in January 2020. This has shifted Iran’s role in the region because Soleimani was of such great importance that his death marked a setback for Tehran’s policies. However, Iran still has made impressive gains in the last two years. It has developed drones and used them to strike at US forces in Iraq, Syria and off the coast of Oman. This means that Iran has shifted slightly from personal diplomatic-military achievements to technological threats.

Iran wants its people and the region to know of Soleimani’s importance. For Iran, he is a key martyr. Iranian media have been emphasizing over the last weeks the role that Soleimani played in defeating ISIS. Iran wants to ignore the fact that many have accused Soleimani of crimes in Syria and Iraq and of terrorizing the region. For Iran’s regime he is no “terrorist” though, but a sublime figure. 

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