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MK Haskel Cuts Hair on Stage in Show of Solidarity with Iran Protests

MK Sharren Haskel publicly cuts her hair in solidarity with the Iranian protest movement on October 11, 2022. (Screenshot/ Channel 12)
MK Sharren Haskel publicly cuts her hair in solidarity with the Iranian protest movement on October 11, 2022. (Screenshot/ Channel 12)

Member of Knesset Sharren Haskel cut her hair at a conference in Jerusalem on Tuesday night in a public act of solidarity with the ongoing protest movement that has swept Iran in recent weeks.

Haskel, a member of the center-right National Unity party, told the International Christian Embassy conference “As a (former) fighter in the IDF, I salute the brave women and their children who are fighting for their future and their homes,” Channel 12 quoted Haskel as saying.

“As a sign of solidarity, I am joining the protest that began with Mahsa Amini,” she said, adding the popular protest slogan “Women. Life. Freedom.” in both Farsi and English.

While the crowd applauded, the Canadian-born Haskel took a pair of scissors and cut off two locks of hair before promising the crowd that next year’s conference will feature Iranian female representatives.

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