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China Expanding Spy Bases in Cuba, 70 Miles from U.S. Naval Base: Report

During the Cold War, the Soviet Union operated its largest overseas intelligence site near Havana.

The Cuban government is expanding the capabilities of four of its military bases that are suspected of housing Chinese intelligence personnel, according to a Tuesday report by The Center for Strategic and International Studies.

The Washington-based think tank presented new satellite imagery that purportedly shows improved espionage infrastructure at the Havana area locations of Bejucal, Boyeros, and Calabazar.

In addition to the technological augmentation at the three facilities, the summary also noted construction activity at a previously unknown venue in Santiago de Cuba, located 70 miles from the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay.

The summary noted that many of the improvements appear to be related to the operation of outer space communications, while the communist country lacks its own space program.

The analysis comes as The Wall Street Journal reported last summer that Beijing has had eavesdropping locations on the island since at least 2019 that were established in exchange for billions of dollars in financial assistance to the dictatorial regime.

Related Story: China’s New Cuban Spy Base the Latest Collaboration of Many Between Beijing, Havana and Moscow

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