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Google Warns That Iranian Efforts to Hack U.S. Presidential Campaigns are Still Ongoing

“We [have] informed campaign officials that Google was seeing heightened malicious activity originating from foreign state actors and underscored the importance of enhanced account security protections on personal email accounts,” Google said in a statement.

Google on Wednesday revealed that alleged hacking operations into United States presidential campaigns by Iran are still going on and are wider ranging than initially believed.

A hacking group with ties to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) hacked the emails of about a dozen people associated with President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump in May and June. Google said it is still seeing unsuccessful attempts at hacking the campaigns today.

Google said Iranian hackers have successfully logged into the personal Gmail account of a “a high-profile political consultant,” but it is not clear who the consultant was, and which campaign they were associated with, according to CNN. However, Trump said his campaign was hacked in June, which the FBI is investigating.

"We [have] informed campaign officials that Google was seeing heightened malicious activity originating from foreign state actors and underscored the importance of enhanced account security protections on personal email accounts," Google said in a statement.

Related Story: Google ‘Interfered’ with U.S. Elections Dozens of Times Since 2008: Report

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