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Hamas Releases Propaganda Video of Recently Murdered Gaza Hostage

Danino was abducted from the Supernova music festival.
Ori Danino. timesofisrael.com
Ori Danino. timesofisrael.com

Hamas released a video statement from Ori Danino, one of the six Gaza hostages who were murdered by the terrorists last week while in captivity.

The edited propaganda message, posted on a Telegram account, opened with a montage of mugshot-style photos of the deceased detainees prior to the start of the 25-year-old’s comments.

Danino, likely under extreme duress from threats and ten months of confinement, described his living conditions as being "very difficult; there is no food, no water, no electricity, and non-stop shooting and bombing" before he urged viewers to push for a ceasefire so he and the other abductees could return to their families.

At the end of the Jerusalem resident’s remarks, the broadcast displayed the images of an hourglass and moving clocks accompanied by the words "time is running out."

Danino’s remains were found on Sunday in a Rafah tunnel alongside those of Carmel Gat, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Alexander Lobanov, Almog Sarusi, and Eden Yerushalmi. Israeli authorities estimated that the victims had most likely been dead for several days.

Related Story: Hamas Threatens to Release Video of Hostages Leaving Their ‘Last Message’ Right Before Their Death

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