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IDF Identifies Eliminated Doctors Without Borders Employee as Islamic Jihad Rocket Engineer

Islamic Jihad rockets in Gaza. Flash90
Islamic Jihad rockets in Gaza. Flash90

On Tuesday evening, the IDF announced that an associate of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad was eliminated during an airstrike in Gaza City.

The target, Fadi Jihad Muhammad al-Wadiya, was reportedly a chemical and electronics expert who was influential in the Tehran-backed terrorist organization’s missile program.

His employer, the NGO Doctors Without Borders, confirmed the incident, saying that the incursion killed him and five others while he was riding a bike to his workplace at one of their clinics. The Geneva-based humanitarian organization condemned the killing.

The action comes as intelligence officials in Israel have reported that 85 percent of Gaza’s medical facilities have been used by the area’s militants for operational purposes, violating international law.

Related Story: Captured Terrorists Confirm Shifa Hospital’s Role as Hamas Hideout

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