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Israel Will Connect Gaza Water Plant to Jewish State’s Electrical Grid

Desalination plant in Gaza. IDF
Desalination plant in Gaza. IDF

Israel began efforts on Tuesday to connect a desalinization plant in the Gaza humanitarian zone to its own electrical grid for the purpose of increasing the supply of potable water in the coastal enclave.

Officials in Jerusalem estimate that when the undertaking is completed, the facility should be capable of producing 20,000 cubic meters of clean water per day.

Power limitations because of the fighting in the area have reportedly reduced its output to as low as 8 percent of its design capacity.

When the structure becomes fully online, it will be operated by the non-Hamas-affiliated Palestinian Water Authority and related international organizations.

Military sources told The Times of Israel that the project, approved by the defense and energy ministers, is part of wider plans by the IDF to increase the amount of civilian assistance that is present in the warzone.

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