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Netanyahu Demands More Pressure Be Placed on Hamas to Accept Ceasefire Deal

Benjamin Netanyahu. The New York Times
Benjamin Netanyahu. The New York Times

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a statement on Thursday calling for increased pressure to be placed on Hamas negotiators to accept a ceasefire deal to end the war in Gaza.

Netanyahu accused the terrorists of stonewalling the mediators after he approved the most recent measures discussed in Doha.

"Hamas is trying to hide the fact that it continues to oppose a hostage release deal and is obstructing it," the Prime Minister said in his remarks.

The request comes as Hamas representatives have indicated they will only allow a settlement that matches the proposal originally put forth by the Biden administration earlier this summer. This includes a demand for the complete withdrawal of all IDF forces from the coastal enclave, as specified in the initial White House offer.

One significant issue absent from Biden’s plan is the status of the Philadelphi Corridor, which runs along Gaza’s border with Egypt. Netanyahu has argued the Israeli military must maintain a presence at this strategic location indefinitely to prevent contraband from rearming the local militants.

Another concern for Jerusalem is the Palestinian's request to release more security prisoners currently held by Israel, beyond the terms previously agreed upon.

Related Story: ‘Ceasefire Is Dead’: Biden Admin Shifts Focus to Freeing Hostages in Gaza as Chances of Israel-Hamas Ceasefire Crumble

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