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Pro-Hamas Protesters Breach Australian Parliament Building

Protesters hang banners from the top of Parliament House in Canberra, Australia, Thursday, July 4, 2024. Reuters
Protesters hang banners from the top of Parliament House in Canberra, Australia, Thursday, July 4, 2024. Reuters

On Thursday, four pro-Hamas protesters in Australia were arrested for breaching the Parliament House.

After evading the building’s security measures, the demonstrators could be seen climbing on to the structure’s roof before unveiling banners with anti-Israel messages on them.

One of the signs declared, "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," while another accused the Jewish state of committing war crimes.

In addition to the visual display, an individual was seen giving a speech with a megaphone during the hour-long disturbance.

The intruders were eventually arrested by law enforcement officers and charged with trespassing, in addition to receiving a two-year ban on returning to the location.

Speaker of the Australian House of Representatives, Milton Dick, announced that he had ordered an investigation into the security failures that led to the incident, while Prime Minister Anthony Albanese condemned the group’s actions.

The disruption came the same day that Labor Senator Fatima Payman resigned from her political party after she was suspended for supporting Palestinian statehood.

Related Story: Australia Bans Nazi Symbols Amid Antisemitism Surge

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