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Resolution Calling for Israel to Retreat to 1967 Borders Passes United Nations General Assembly

The West Bank town of Ma’ale Efraim. AP
The West Bank town of Ma’ale Efraim. AP

The United Nations General Assembly approved a resolution Wednesday calling for Israel to end its presence in eastern Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza within the next 12 months.

The motion passed with 124 votes in favor and 14 in opposition, while 43 delegations chose to abstain from the matter.

The non-binding timetable requests that the Jewish state "brings to an end without delay its unlawful presence" of military forces and civilians in the “Occupied Palestinian Territory” to remedy "the illegal situation it created."

The measure was proposed by the “State of Palestine” following a July ruling of the U.N.’s International Court of Justice declaring any Israeli existence outside of its 1967 borders was in violation of international law.

After describing the course of action as "diplomatic terrorism" the previous day, Israel’s U.N. Ambassador Danny Danon called the document’s endorsement a “shameful decision” and accused its supporters of continuing “to dance to the music of the Palestinian Authority, which backs the Hamas murderers.”

Related Story: U.N. General Assembly Overwhelmingly Votes to Promote the Palestinian Delegation

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