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Turkish Leader Threatens to Invade Israel Over Gaza War

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Ankara. Reuters
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Ankara. Reuters

Turkish President Recep Erdogan threatened to invade Israel while criticizing the Jewish state at a televised meeting with his ruling Justice and Development Party in Rize on Sunday.

“We must be very strong so that Israel can’t do these things to Palestine. Just as we entered Karabakh and Libya, we might do the same here,” he said, referring to his country’s past military involvement in Azerbaijan and North Africa.

“There is nothing we cannot do. We must be very strong,” Erdogan added.

Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz responded to Erdogan’s comments on X, accusing the 70-year-old leader of “following Saddam Hussein's footsteps” and suggesting that he "remember what happened there and how it ended."

Erdogan’s comments highlighted the series of critical statements he has made against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli military actions since the beginning of the Gaza conflict.

Related Story: Erdogan Warns Israel Not to Go After Hamas in Turkey

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