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U.S. to Move Long Range Missiles to Germany by 2026

U.S. and German flags fly outside 12th Combat Aviation Brigade Headquarters in Ansbach, Germany. U.S. Army
U.S. and German flags fly outside 12th Combat Aviation Brigade Headquarters in Ansbach, Germany. U.S. Army

Germany and the United States announced in a joint statement on Wednesday that the Pentagon will deploy long-range weapons systems to the European ally by 2026, amid a need to strengthen NATO ties and the expiration of agreements that prohibited the deployment of such munitions.

The proposal will reportedly introduce the SM-6 multi-purpose missile, the Tomahawk cruise missile, and developmental hypersonic weapons to the continent. This augmentation will result in increasing the striking distances that are currently available to NATO members in the region.

The new policy will be made possible by the 2019 conclusion of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty that prohibited projectiles with a range of more than 500 kilometers. The U.S. withdrew from the accord after allegations surfaced that its restrictions were being violated by Russia.

The decision comes as NATO leaders are in Washington this week to mark the defense alliance’s 75th anniversary and hold policy meetings on the war in Ukraine.

Related Story: Blinken Says Ukraine Will Eventually Join NATO

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