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First High-Value Guantánamo Detainee Cleared for Transfer

Duran is one of 39 detainees still being held at Guantánamo. The Biden administration has transferred one detainee thus far.
First High-Value Guantánamo Detainee Cleared for Transfer

The Hill

Guled Duran, who was been held at Guantánamo Bay since 2006 without being charged, was approved for transfer in November, making him the first high-value prisoner at the facility recommended for release, The New York Times reported

Duran's lawyer told the Times his client was informed on Monday of the decision by the Periodic Review Board at Guantánamo Bay.

According to a document obtained by the Times verifying Duran’s transfer clearance, "continued law of war detention is no longer necessary to protect against continuing significant threat to the security of the United States."

It added that “vigorous efforts will be undertaken to identify a suitable transfer location ... outside the United States, subject to appropriate security and human treatment assurances.”

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